Uncategorized May 21, 2023

What if I could show you how to get more offers with one simple hack?

Seriously, one of the least expensive investments you can make has a huge impact. Lots of folks ask about should they paint or remodel their bathroom to attract buyers to their properties. Now if your walls are purple or your bathroom has shag carpet dated back to the 1970s, those items certainly need to be addressed.  But, in most homes, the important things cost nothing at all. Cleaning = Free. Decluttering = Free. Organizing = Free. Bright and matching light bulbs have the most impact!

For less than $100 you would be amazed by the difference it makes.  I work with buyers every day that walk into homes that have so much potential, but it can’t be seen because it is too dark or because the improper lighting casts the wrong shadows.  Look at the professional photographs of properties listed for sale.  What is the most common thing about them? They are bright!  Do yourself a favor. Get those new light bulbs in place.  Huge Impact!!